You don't have to wait for your next payday! With Early Pay, you can receive your paycheck up to 2 days 1 early with direct deposit into your checking or savings account!
Already have a checking and savings account and need to set up direct deposit? We are here to help, 800.223.1983!
Great! We have automatically enrolled you in Early Pay! You should start seeing your paychecks sooner!
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1 Early Pay is only available to members with an AACU checking or savings account and have direct deposit set up with their employer or other payer to receive electronic payment during regular periodic payment cycles. At our discretion, we may make the funds for certain ACH credit transactions, including most payroll deposits, available to you before the ACH deposit's scheduled payment date up to 2 business days earlier. The date that funds are made available to you will be reflected in your applicable account's transaction history. Whether or not funds are made available early and exactly when the funds are made available depend on when we receive the payment instructions from the ACH payor and are subject to fraud prevention measures and other applicable restrictions. We do not guarantee that funds will be made available early or that funds will be made available by any specific time of day. Any funds that we don't make available early will be made available according to our Funds Availability Agreement.
Restrictions and requirements may apply. Membership requirements apply.